Big Data and Computing Visions (BDCV) is an international scholarly open access, interdisciplinary, fully refereed, and quarterly free of charge journal as a non-commercial publication. The publication start year of BDCV is ۲۰۲۱. All submitted manuscripts are checked for similarity through a trustworthy software named iThenticate to be assured about its originality and rigorously peer-reviewed by the international reviewers (The similarity rate must be below ۲۰%).

BDCV is a peer-reviewed journal publishes original research papers, reviews, case studies, short communication and innovative research studies, covering all aspects on theoretical and applied papers of Big Data and Computing Visions concepts such as “data analysis”, “data mining”, “information systems”, “pattern recognition”, “soft computing”, ”computer vision”, ”image and video processing”, “distributed systems”, “Intelligent Systems”, “Bioinformatics”,” performance evaluation”,” data envelopment analysis”, “mathematical modeling”,” financial analysis”, etc. This journal respects the ethical rules in publishing and is subject to the rules of the Ethics Committee" for Publication (COPE) and committed to follow the executive regulations of the Law on Prevention and Combating Fraud in Scientific Works

نمایه سازی

مجله داده های بزرگ و چشم انداز محاسباتی تحت حمایت سیویلیکا می باشد و مقالات هر شماره آن پس از انتشار در پایگاه سیویلیکا نمایه سازی و منتشر می شود. مقالات این مجله در نظام رتبه بندی دانشگاهها و پژوهشگاهها مورد تحلیل قرار میگیرد.

اطلاعات مهم مجله

کد ژورنال: JR_BDCV
تاریخ درج سایت: دوشنبه، ۲۶ دی، ۱۴۰۱
تعداد نمایش: 2054

سختار سازمانی مجله

آقای دکتر سید اسماعیل نجفی Director-in-Charge
آقای دکتر سید احمد عدالت پناه Editor-in-Chief