دوفصلنامه گردشگری، فرهنگ و معنویت
International of Tourism, Culture and Spirituality

IJTCS is looking for researchers interested in helping on the volunteer Advisory Board. Reviewers are expected to write reviews in a timely, responsibly and constructive manner. IJTCS would appreciate reviewers who insightfully, accurately and fairly review manuscripts towards realization of scientific quality as one of the most important objectives of IJTCS.
If you are interested to review for IJTCS, please send your application and resume via ijts@usc.ac.ir.
About Journal
International Journal of Tourism, Culture and Spirituality (IJTCS) is an international double blind peer reviewed quarterly publication which publish high quality papers on Tourism within the dimensions of Culture and Spirituality. IJTCS is an open access publication, The following manuscript format can be published in the journal: Original article, short communication (brief report or brief communication), review article, systematic review and meta-analysis, Letter to editor, commentary and editorial.
Financial Policies
Article Processing Charges
As University of Science and Culture has supported all of the publishing costs of IJTCS, article processing charge and any other publication fees in the journal are free for authors.
cultural aspects of tourism
cultural and spiritual motivations
tourism and mystical issues
Tourism and Ethical values
spiritual perceptions and experiences in tourism
philosophical issues in tourism with emphasizing on cultural and spiritual concepts
meaning and related issues in tourism
tourism and spiritual growth
religious tourism and pilgrimage
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