فصلنامه سلامت ،معنویت و اخلاق پزشکی
Health, Spirituality and Medical Ethics Journal

Aims and Scope: The “Health, Spirituality and Medical Ethics journal" is a scientific research-based journal published quarterly (Mar/Jun/Sep/Dec) which deals with Islamic Medicine, Medical Ethics, Traditional Medicine, Spiritual Health, and Medical Jurisprudence. the objective of which is boost and disseminate the findings of the researches done on Spiritual Health and the corresponding fields, and its target groups are those active in the field of the medicine and allied health sciences.
Spiritual Health definition: Theocentrism in cognitive, emotional and behavioral spheres, that brings about such effects as peace, hope, contentment, joy and a meaningful life.
The scientific Health, Spirituality and Medical Ethics (HSME) invites and accepts manuscripts in all medical fields.
To ensure both the quality and usefulness of the contributions a variety of papers will be considered. The journal seeks papers that convey the results of original research. We are especially interested in publishing research papers that have relevance to the medical ethics, spiritual health issues. These might include, for example:
qualitative or comparative evaluations;
a design study for an innovative approach to Islamic medicine, medical ethics, spiritual health problems
a critical review of current literature;
case reports
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